389 Country
Staff Report
The Clay County Sheriff’s Office teamed up with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and a licensed falconer to rescue an injured bald eagle in Hayesville, North Carolina.
The eagle, found with a broken wing and injured foot—likely from a vehicle strike—was unable to fly and faced potential exposure to the frigid temperatures and the winter weather forecasted for the area. With the help of the falconer, the Sheriff’s Office safely transported the eagle to a rehabilitation facility in Asheville, North Carolina.
Wild For Life, a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization, provided an initial assessment of the eagle. Encouragingly, the eagle’s condition appeared better than initially feared. An emergency veterinarian was already en route to the facility to begin treatment.
The rescue effort underscores the importance of local partnerships. “We love all of our wildlife here in Clay County and are thankful for our partnerships with all of our local veterinarians, rescue organizations, and the Wildlife Resources Commission,” the Sheriff’s Office stated in a release.
Officials expressed hope for the eagle’s recovery. If it makes a full recovery, the rescue organization plans to release the bird back into the wild near Hayesville, bringing the story full circle.
For more information about the rehabilitation facility, visit Wild For Life.